AZGS's most recently published Open File Reports (OFR), Contributed Maps (CM), Digital Geologic Maps (DGM), Digital Maps - Earth Fissures (DM-EF), Contributed Reports (CR) and miscellaneous publications.
AZGS's most recently published Open File Reports (OFR), Contributed Maps (CM), Digital Geologic Maps (DGM), Digital Maps - Earth Fissures (DM-EF), Contributed Reports (CR) and miscellaneous publications.
AZGS's most recently published Open File Reports (OFR), Contributed Maps (CM), Contributed Reports (CR) and miscellaneous publications.
With nearly 40 publications in 2011, this has been a prolific year for AZGS. We published 10 Open-File Reports and 16 Contributed Reports, most of the latter were legacy documents from the 1950s -1960s uranium exploration and mining boom of northeastern Arizona.
AZGS's most recently published Open File Reports (OFR), Contributed Maps (CM), Contributed Reports (CR) and miscellaneous publications.