Dan Lynch’s love affair with the Pinacate Volcanic Field – Pinacate in Stereo
In 1981, Dan Lynch completed his Ph.D. dissertation, "Genesis and Geochronology of Alkaline Volcanism in the Pinacate Volcanic Field, Northwestern Sonora, Mexico" at the University of Arizona. While a milestone that was not the culmination of his love affair with the Pinacate volcanic field. He continued to pursue research topics, joined by Jim Gutmann, T. Musselman and Jon Patchett into the 1990s. Dan has guided dozens of field trips to examine the basaltic volcanism of the Pinacate field.
Since relocating to Tucson from Boston, Dan continues to makes expeditions each year to revisit the remarkable physical volcanology of the shield volcano, cinder cones and maars of the Pinacate volcanic field. This short pictorial, which includes stereo pairs of aerial photographs, is the latest in his many expositions on the volcanoes of the Gran Desierto de Altar in northwestern Sonora, Mexico.
M. Conway
Tucson, Arizona (17 Nov. 2015)