The Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS) was on hand and shared an exhibit booth with the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD) at this year's Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Annual Conference and Expo in Phoenix, Arizona.
In spring 2015, the Arizona Geological Survey Mining Data site launched the Colvocoresses collection, comprising reports on field visits or submitted reports from approximately 300 Arizona mine and mining properties by Mr. Colvocoresses or his associates.
On July 2, 2014, the James Doyle Sell collection, which include more than 800 Arizona mine file records, was added to the Arizona Geological Survey Mine Site.
In April, the Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS) launched a new digital collection of Arizona’s mining history.
It was 1943 and World War II raged on and Allied Forces were on the offensive in the Pacific and European theaters. Back home mineral exploration for critical minerals was essential to the war effort. As part of this effort, geologists of the Arizona Bureau of Mines meticulously mapped the geology of the copper-rich Superior mining area of Arizona.
The decade-long rise in the price of gold from less than $400 per troy ounce to over $1,600 has resulted in the renewal of gold mining and increased exploration activity in Arizona. Lode properties are receiving the most significant activity due to their large number of contained ounces of gold. A few, small placer properties are also being sampled or operated on a limited scale.